Wednesday Weed – Opium Poppy

Every Wednesday, I hope to find a new ‘weed’ to investigate. My only criterion will be that I will not have deliberately planted the subject of our inquiry. Who knows what we will find…..

Opium poppy (Papaver somniferum)

Opium poppy (Papaver somniferum)

Dear Readers, the streets of East Finchley are currently populated by a most exotic invader, and not a recent one either. Opium Poppy has been grown in the UK since at least the Bronze Age, and is widely naturalised in our towns and villages.The ‘wild’ plant has a lilac flower, as in the photo above, but garden varietals include blooms in red, pink and white, and even double-flowered varieties. However, Opium Poppy It is easily recognised by its greyish, waxy (glaucous) foliage, its heavy-headed buds and its distinctive seed capsule, which is a wonder in itself.

The Opium poppy is the root source of all the opiate drugs, including morphine, heroin, and codeine. It is the most effective painkiller for extreme pain that we have, and also one of the most addictive.  Its very name means ‘sleep-giving poppy’. The drug is harvested both by making slits in the seed-case and extracting the latex, and via ‘poppy straw’, which is the dried plant minus the seeds. Very little of the active ingredient is produced in the UK climate, but I did once have a boyfriend who optimistically grew a patch of the plants, lovingly  harvested the sap, smoked it and then threw up for two days, so let that be a lesson to us all. Please note that it is also ambiguously illegal to grow it in the USA (for an interesting story about Michael Pollan’s 1997 experience with Papaver somniferum click here ), and totally illegal in Canada, Austria, Switzerland, Germany and the UAE.

What a complicated history this plant has! The ancient Sumerian and Minoan peoples both knew of the medicinal and psychoactive properties of the plant. Much later, during the period 1830-1860, Britain flooded China with Indian-grown opium during the Opium Wars. This happened because Britain had a hunger for Chinese silks, porcelain and tea, but the Chinese were largely self-sufficient and needed no British goods. The balance of payments deficit alarmed the British, and so they started to export the drug into China. As the number of addicts grew, the Chinese Government started to impound the opium without compensation to the British.  This quickly escalated into war, by the end of which the Chinese markets had been ratcheted open, there were an estimated 12 million opium addicts in China, and the British had much improved their trade deficit.

Cultivation of the plant worldwide is complicated by the fact that it can be grown either for the illegal narcotics trade, or for the legal pharmaceutical trade. Indeed, a recent initiative by the International Council for Security and Development, called ‘Poppy for Medicine’ has suggested that poppies could be grown by Afghan villagers for medicinal purposes. Afghanistan is historically reliant on the income from opium generated by drug-trafficking, and also, ironically, has a shortage of opiate medicines for its own population. If controlled properly, the growth and harvest of poppies could help to alleviate both these problems, as it has done in areas of India and Turkey where the same strategy has been implemented.

Opium poppies also have less contentious uses. They produce the poppy-seeds for rolls and loaves, and for some truly delicious Eastern European confections, such as this Polish poppyseed cake. However, beware: a television programme called Mythbusters illustrated that someone could fail a drugs test after only two poppyseed bagels, even though the seeds have no narcotic effect. Certainly something to watch if you are a sportsperson.

Makowiec (Polish Poppy Seed cake) (By Silar (Own work) [GFDL ( or CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons)

As you might expect, a plant as powerful as the Opium Poppy has a wealth of folklore, and the wonderful Poison Garden website is a treasure-trove of facts. Here, I shall just pick a couple of my favourites:
  • Vampires are compelled to count poppyseeds if they come across them, so if you are ever pursued by such a creature just scatter a handful of seeds about to ensure you can make your getaway.
  • The phrase ‘hip’ (as in ‘cool’) is not so ‘hip’ anymore, but it came from the phrase ‘being on the hip’, i.e. lying on one’s side smoking opium in an opium den.
  • Hiding poppyseeds in a bride’s shoe will make her infertile
  • Scattering poppyseeds around the bed on St Andrew’s night would ensure a dream of one’s future husband
  • Eating a cake made with poppyseeds on New Year’s Eve would provide abundance for the year to come.

It interests me that the sedative effects of morphine on humans are not shared with other members of the animal kingdom. Cats in particular can become more excited rather than less when treated with the drug, and it is used with caution by vets with other creatures too. For people, though, the drug seems to fit our chemistry like a key to a lock, and this is what causes the dependency that can be such a terrible curse. Few plants that I’ve written about have such a capacity to help us, or to destroy us, according to the wisdom with which we use it. It is an unexpectedly powerful plant to find growing on a suburban street in North London.


16 thoughts on “Wednesday Weed – Opium Poppy

  1. Baldwin Hamey
    Baldwin Hamey

    Once again a very interesting post., thanks. That makowiec looks delicious. Must try some sometime and as I am not a sportsperson and am unlikely to be ‘offered’ a drugs test, it won’t matter how many I eat 🙂
    I prefer the original lilac flower, by the way.

    1. Bug Woman
      Bug Woman

      Hi Baldwin, I look forward to hearing about your poppyseed baking adventures! And I prefer the original flower as well. The double pink ones look like they’ve been made from torn-up tissue paper to me….

  2. Mawrth – Learning to live once more and take care of the wilder things in my life.
    John Wooldridge

    They do seem to spring up any and everywhere, thanks for the ‘history lesson’ just love your posts (though I don’t always comment)

  3. Ann

    Clearly the owner of the scruffy patch where these poppies grow is failng to make full use of them. I wonder if reading your blog might galvanise him/her into developing a nice little earner-crop? And thus the wherewithal to get the fence painted!
    Seriously, a most informative and fascinating entry.

    1. Bug Woman
      Bug Woman

      I suspect that the owner of the patch has probably been really busy with other things lately :-), though I suspect a career in narcotics is probably not the best way to go :-). Very glad you enjoyed the post, and thank you for providing the inspiration…

  4. Lynn D.

    A few days ago I took a walk in my (U.S.) city’s municipal garden. There were dozens of lavender opium poppies growing there. They had the most gorgeous ruffly, dusty grey-green leaves. The seed pods weren’t quite ripe, so I plan to go back soon. I figure I’m safe if I say I got the seeds from our municipal garden! Today I went to the farmers’ market and the Asian flower growers were selling arrangements that included dried poppy seed heads that were as big as tennis balls! They didn’t have any of the flowers though.

    1. Bug Woman
      Bug Woman

      Very interesting, Lynn! I think that the way the plant is regarded varies from state to state, and from police force to police force. I doubt that having a few in your garden would attract any bother….and they are very beautiful, especially the original lavender ones. Everything about them looks a little drowsy to me….

      1. Lynn D.

        As of today, recreational marijuana is legal in my state. Each household can grow four plants. I think it would make a very nice grouping with the poppies, no? Too bad I am no longer interested in such things anymore!

    1. Bug Woman
      Bug Woman

      Anne, what a wonderful post! These gardens are really inspirational. What a lot can be done in such a tiny space! I imagine that the gardens are sheltered, and so are actually ideal for a lot of shade-loving exotics, but I am amazed at the variety of plants that people are able to grow. I will share on Bugwoman’s Facebook page, so other people can be inspired too, and am also minded to do a quick Tweet….

      1. Anne Guy – I am a former garden designer living in rural Worcestershire. I have many interests among them gardens, art, history and architecture, nature and wildlife which are reflected in my blogs.
        Anne Guy

        Many thanks glad you liked it as you say these tiny gardens were an inspiration!

  5. Pingback: Wednesday Weed – Welsh Poppy | Bug Woman – Adventures in London

  6. Pingback: Wednesday Weed – New Weeds on the Block? | Bug Woman – Adventures in London

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