Wednesday Weed – Beetroot

Beetroot found next to Muswell Hill Playing Fields (see this post)

Dear Readers, as a child I had a horror of the beetroot cubes that were served as part of our school dinners. There was something about the texture of the vegetable, the sharpness of the vinegar, the lurid-pink ‘juice’ that contaminated everything else that made me feel slightly nauseous. We were meant to eat everything on the plate (which contributed to my brother’s life-long hatred of steak and kidney pudding)  but one day I just couldn’t, so I told the dinnerladies that, with some regret, I would have to decline the beetroot because I was allergic to it.

I remember seeing them look at one another with some puzzlement, because allergies were not much discussed in 1968. Furthermore, ‘allergy’ was not a word that an eight year-old was supposed to know.

I got off on that occasion, and I seem to remember that the point wasn’t pushed subsequently. The sensible thing to do would have been to ask Mum if I was actually allergic, but I don’t think the school ever did.

These days I am much more inclined towards beetroot, not least because it comes in so many forms, and because, roasted or raw, it is actually quite delicious.

Chioggia beetroot. Look at the candy stripes! (Photo one)

Yellow beetroot (Photo Two)

All beetroots descend originally from sea beet (Beta vulgaris ssp maritima) which is found all over the coastal areas of the UK and Ireland (though it is notably absent from the more northern parts of Ireland). All of the cultivated beet varieties descend from this one humble salt-marsh plant: not just our salad beetroot, but sugar beet (which produces the vast majority of the sugar that we eat) and also, to my surprise, chard (where we ignore the root and eat the leaves and stem instead). As you might expect from a plant that grows in a marine environment, most varieties of beet are tolerant of salty soils. They prefer cooler temperatures, though chard is said to be happier at a higher temperature than the root vegetable varieties.

Sea Beet (Beta vulgaris ssp maritima) (Photo Three)

Beetroot is really one of ‘the’ cold climate crops – it has helped us to get through many winters, and it’s no surprise that eastern Europe has produced some of the most interesting recipes. Bortscht is a case in point – this beetroot soup has many variations (not all of which contain beetroot incidentally). Apparently, it would originally have been made with hogweed (Heracleum sphondylium), and it’s the Russian word for this plant (borsch) which gives it its name (although the more usual English spelling, borscht, comes straight from Yiddish). It can be served hot or cold, with potatoes or smetana (a type of sour cream), with meat or fish or as a purely vegetarian soup. It forms part of the ritual traditions of the Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Greek Catholic and Jewish faiths, and the original ‘borscht’ recipe is claimed by several cultures.

Russian borscht (Photo Four)

Ukrainian borscht (Photo Five)

Polish Christmas Eve borscht with mushroom dumplings (Photo Six)

However, these soups all still seem to have rather too much obvious beetroot in them for my taste, and so my preferred method of getting some of the red stuff into my diet is by making a beetroot and chocolate cake, for which there are multiple recipes on the web (though I have a great fondness for the Nigel Slater recipe here). I have found that many vegetables disappear into cake, providing moistness and a streak of colour but nothing more assertive – carrots are an obvious choice, but courgette and squash have also worked very nicely for me. Do not, under any circumstances, try it with swede though. The results are like something that Satan might serve up at afternoon tea.

Chocolate beetroot cake (Photo Seven)

Beetroot also has a long history of medicinal use (though its habit of turning urine red can cause considerable alarm to the unprepared – there is actually a word for this, beeturia). It has been used as a treatment for constipation since Roman times, and Apicius gave no less than five recipes for beetroot soups to be used as a laxative. Tests on beetroot have shown that it can have an positive effect on the reduction of  hypertension.

In the UK, according to the site Plant Lore, beetroot wine was used as a cure for asthma, chilblains, earache and, apparently, snake bites.

The intense red colour of beetroot was used historically to colour wine, and it is still used as a food-colouring for things like tomato paste and breakfast cereal.

Flowers on ‘my’ beet plant

Beetroot is one of those vegetables (like brussel sprouts) that polarises people – you are either a fan or a hater, it seems. But would our attitudes change if we remembered that beetroot has a reputation as an aphrodisiac? The ancient Greeks believed that Aphrodite, goddess of love, ate beetroots to make herself more beautiful. The Romans believed that eating beets and drinking beetroot juice could enhance sexual performance,  and there were frescoes of beets in the Lupernar brothel in Pompeii (though all the images of the frescoes that I can find are much too X-rated for these august pages). English folklore has it that if a man and a woman eat from the same beetroot, they will fall in love. Beetroot juice has also been used as a hair dye and as a cosmetic to brighten up pale cheeks and provide a substitute for lipstick.

The actual harvesting of beetroot has long been a heavy, back-breaking job, however, and I like this painting by Leon Wyczółkowski , one of the leading Realist painters of the interwar period in Poland. You can almost smell the soil and the wood smoke, and feel the cold in your chapped hands.

Beet Harvest II by Leon Wyczółkowski (Public domain)

And finally, a poem. I love this vignette by Pauline Prior-Pitt, who moved from Hull to North Uist in 1997 and who started writing poems in her thirties. I feel that it sums up the way that we can’t judge people by appearances, and how exchanges are often more complex than they appear.

Meeting at the Mobile Library Van by Pauline Pitt-Prior

In your muddy coat, you stroll up from your croft;
choose two biographies.

And I’m not sure you’ll want
to look at poetry; am surprised

when the pirate behind your fiery eyes
lets me help you choose a Douglas Dunn
to add to your collection.

Quick as a dog you’re down at the loch side,
showing me your veg patch,
hidden from storms inside peat stacked walls.

“Bloody deer have eaten all my greens.”

You ask if I like beetroot, tug up
two huge globes covered in mud.
Each one must weigh at least a pound.

And I’ve been waiting for this windy day
to open windows wide,

chopping the beets with onions and Bramleys
adding sugar, spice, and vinegar
and slowly simmering them together.

And I’m thinking, six jars of chutney
are more than a fair exchange

for the poetry I chose for you to relish.

Beetroot pickles (Photo Eight)

Photo Credits

Photo One by By © Jörgens.mi, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Photo Two by By © Jörgens.mi, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Photo Three by Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz / CC BY-SA (

Photo Four by By Brücke-Osteuropa – Own work, Public Domain,

Photo Five by By uk:Користувач:Kagor – uk:Файл:Borsch- 020.jpg, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Photo Six by By Michał Lech – archive copy, CC0,

Photo Seven from

Photo Eight by Meal Makeover Moms at


12 thoughts on “Wednesday Weed – Beetroot

  1. Anne

    Beetroot: love it or hate it. Your introduction explains the latter for the ways its colour ‘contaminates’ everything else on one’s plate is abhorrent to many. My mother used to pickle the beetroot from our garden – such a delicious addition to summer meals. For some reason, she seldom presented it as a boiled vegetable, but occasionally would serve cooked beetroot in jelly as a different kind of salad [which I plan to do today!]. I later discovered how delicious boiled beetroot is, sprinkled with a little chopped mint or even left plain.

    1. Bug Woman
      Bug Woman

      I’ve really gotten into it served roasted, it really concentrates the flavour. I made a salad with roasted yellow beetroot yesterday and my husband, a confirmed beetroot hater, didn’t even notice what he was eating 🙂

  2. Fran & Bobby Freelove

    We are definitely on the side of loving beetroot. We remember going into the greengrocers as children with our mother and they were always boiling beetroot out the back. It’s those sort of individual smells you used to get in different shops that we miss.

    1. Bug Woman
      Bug Woman

      I know! Supermarkets are convenient for sure, but there used to be a real art to shopping for food. We used to have a pet food man who sold slabs of ‘meat’ for dogs and cats that he’d cut off and put into a paper bag. I imagine it was cheaper than the tinned stuff!

  3. Gail

    Hmmm, I quite like beetroot, but wouldn’t miss it if I didn’t have it. My husband loves it and last year grew loads. Even he admitted it was a bit much! I did enjoy the poem very much. Your posts are so wide ranging, while seeming to be very focussed, I find something in every one that is like a little treasure to look at and investigate further, so thank you for sharing these with us.

    1. Bug Woman
      Bug Woman

      Thank you Gail! I enjoy finding out about things and I hope the pleasure shines through. I sometimes feel like a magpie, finding shiny and surprising things for the blog 🙂

  4. Alittlebitoutoffocus – North Wales – Mike is now based in the village of Ynys, near Harlech in North Wales, where he lives with his wonderful wife, Judith. He retired on 1st May 2015 and has been filling this site with a mainly pictorial summary of his life during retirement. He hopes he and you enjoy his retirement ! :-)

    My wife is a big fan of beetroot. We would have had some to harvest had the deer not enjoyed them (well at least the leaves) 4 or 5 weeks ago. My wife also makes a mean courgette, avacodo and lime cake, but she’s never tried that beetroot and chocolate recipe. And well done for knowing about allergies at the tender age of 8. I enjoyed that story. 😊

    1. Bug Woman
      Bug Woman

      I love the sound of courgette, avocado and lime cake, and can heartily recommend the chocolate and beetroot cake. It’s certainly a way of getting vegetables into people who wouldn’t have otherwise eaten them, but whether the vitamins compensate for the sugar content I have no idea 🙂

  5. FEARN – Allotment holder, Edinburgh

    A beetroot fan here. You couldn’t resist the photogenic Chioggo could you? Cylindra (which grows long and cylindrical) is one of my favourites. A curious fact is that each ‘seed’ is actually a seed cluster which is why beetroot always needs thinning – although cluster sowing is all the rage nowadays. Seed developers in Russia particularly a Mr & Mrs Savitsky are responsible for achieving the commercially valuable holy grail of a single viable seed seed. These retail with the mono- prefix. We love borscht, roast beet, and salads. Brown lentils and walnuts spring to mind as good companions. If you grate it beetroot is quite edible (and tasty) raw. When they try it many people refuse to accept that it is raw. I speculate that this probably retains nutrients destroyed in the long cooking process. coincidentally I pulled the first of this year’s beetroot crop today!

    1. Bug Woman
      Bug Woman

      I love beetroot raw – I sometimes make a variant on tzatsiki with it, including some mint. I particularly love it if I don’t stir it too much so it looks like raspberry ripple. And yes chioggia is pretty but I bet with my eyes closed I’d be hard put to tell the difference from ‘normal’ beetroot. And sometimes I get bunches of tiny beetroots in the organic vegetable box that I have delivered – they really are delicious!


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