A Charm Blown in by the Wind

Dear Readers, the garden was brightened up by the arrival of a  charm of goldfinches today, after heavy rain and blustery winds last night. I have noticed a few of these pretty birds on the feeders during the past few weeks, but the flocks seem to be getting bigger. However, a quick visit to the British Trust for Ornithology website shows that goldfinches are generally migrating in the opposite direction in the autumn: ringed birds have been found in Morocco, Malta and Ceuta. A number have been recovered migrating over the narrow straits between Spain and Morocco over the Bay of Biscay, I’ve always wanted to watch the migrations here – in addition to the small birds, thousands of birds of prey ‘queue up’ waiting for favourable winds to carry them southwards. Most land birds will resist migrating over water as much as they possibly can. Those that do often end up huddled on the decks of cruise ships or perching on the railings of lighthouses to try to regain their strength. These frail little creatures sometimes fly the most extraordinary distances in very inclement weather, not to mention the hunting of songbirds that still goes on in some places. I’m glad that these goldfinches are relatively safe in the garden.

I always thought that goldfinches sometimes arrived in the UK from Scandinavia but it seems that I was wrong, though some birds actually migrate north: goldfinches have been found in the UK that originated in the Netherlands, Germany and France.

However, increasingly goldfinches are staying put: the populations of the bird have been increasingly steadily in all parts of the UK, partly as a result of all those lovely people spending their children’s inheritance on birdfood and partly due to the unfortunate catastrophic drop in greenfinch numbers. There is a school of thought that suggests that, although everyone rushed out and bought nyjer seed for their goldfinches, the birds much prefer sunflower seeds. Greenfinches are much more dominant at the bird feeders, however, and would bully the goldfinches because they prefer sunflower seeds, too. However, once the number of greenfinches had plummeted due to a disease called trichomonosis, the goldfinches were able to feed on what they preferred in peace. However, I did spot this little guy in the cemetery in April, so maybe the greenfinches are on their way back.


6 thoughts on “A Charm Blown in by the Wind

  1. gertloveday – Australia – Gert Loveday is the pen name of sisters Joan Kerr and Gabrielle Daly. Gabrielle’s background is in nursing, medical research and music, while Joan is a widely-published poet. Since 2006 they have written several comic novels together. You can read more about how they came to be Gert on this interview with Guy Savage of 'His Futile Preoccupations' http://swiftlytiltingplanet.wordpress.com/2014/04/29/gert-loveday-interview/ Gert Loveday writes with authority on peculiar diets, exercise regimes, body makeovers, extreme fashion, gurus, pigeons, religion, poetry, politics, the health bureaucracy, gourmet cooking, reality TV and literature from the Norse Sagas to Jeffrey Archer, with a sharp eye for character foibles and the pricking of pomposity. Our books are available in digital form only. 'Writing is Easy' is available from Amazon, Kobo, Bookworld and iTunes. 'Crane Mansions' and 'The Art Of The Possible' are on Amazon, Kobo, iTunes, Smashwords and its affiliated bookstores. 'Crane Mansions' is also available as an audiobook at http://www.audible.com.au/pd/Comedy/Crane-Mansions-Audiobook/B01I486SDW Gert Loveday's Fun With Books is our playground, where we hope to find others who like the same games. We post midweek and at the weekend - stuff about books, writers, writing, words, things that amuse us, some of our own writing.

    Beautiful expression ‘a charm of goldfinch.’

  2. Anne

    You have provided some interesting information about the migration patterns of goldfinches. Lovely to see them at your garden feeder too.

  3. Alittlebitoutoffocus – North Wales – Mike is now based in the village of Ynys, near Harlech in North Wales, where he lives with his wonderful wife, Judith. He retired on 1st May 2015 and has been filling this site with a mainly pictorial summary of his life during retirement. He hopes he and you enjoy his retirement ! :-)

    We’ve now put up a bird feeder outside our ‘new’ house and only seen one (but heard more) goldfinches. Apart from the usual Blue and Great Tits, we’ve had Dunnocks, 2 or 3 Robins, 2 Wrens, a Woodpecker and some Chaffinches, not to mention Phil the pheasant of course, which sprinted across this morning, like Usain Bolt. He even jumped up to the window as I was about to throw the bird seed down to him. Two weeks ago a squirrel ran off with one of the fat balls, but we now have them encased in a special feeder. 😊

  4. Sharon

    We have a charm of Goldfinches that flies over almost hourly. We joke that they’re on Neighbourhood Watch, or spying out the land and reporting back to some avian/natural Big Brother, possibly the dolphins (it’s a long story!)
    We might have difficulty identifying other birds by call, but Goldfinches, yup.

  5. yeshuaschildart – Professional artist specializing in oil paintings of birds and nature.

    I find it interesting that their migration patterns have changed. I have seen that with other species here in Michigan; birds that once migrated are staying for the winter here.


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