Saturday Quiz – National Animals

Title Photo by By Kevin Pluck - Flickr: The King., CC BY 2.0,

Lion (Panthera Leo). National animal of Ethiopia, Iran, Kenya, Libya, Luxembourg, North Macedonia,Morocco, the Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Togo, England…. (Title Photo)

Dear Readers, this national animal thing is a bit peculiar. The beasts seem to have been chosen for one of two reasons: either they are a highly local species, or they are thought to embody the qualities that the country admires. Lions, for example, are seen as strong and proud, which is why many lion-less countries (including my own) have decided to adopt it. Everyone seems to have overlooked that male lions are often lazy critters who let the females do all the hunting, and who practice infanticide when they take over a new pride, hardly the most impressive of attributes, but hey, it’s the symbolism that counts.

And, inspired by Alittlebitoffocus’s suggestion I am going to add an additional twist. Instead of giving you the names of the countries, I’m going to just give you the outlines to match up. A bonus point if you can name the country and another one if you can name the animal! And because I think this is a bit trickier, I’m just giving you ten animals to match up.

As usual, answers need to be in the comments by 5 p.m. on Thursday (UK time), and if you don’t want to be influenced by speedier people, write your answers down first.

Onwards! And good luck!

National Animals











Country Outlines











All maps uploaded from a most excellent resource! Maps are free with attribution, or can be uploaded without attribution for a small fee. 




4 thoughts on “Saturday Quiz – National Animals

  1. Fran & Bobby Freelove

    A, 2, Congo, Okapi
    B, 5, Madagascar, Ring Tailed Lemur
    C, 10, Australia, Emu
    D, 6, Mexico, Axolotl
    E, 1, Canada, Beaver
    F, 4, Iceland, Gyrfalcon
    G, 8, Thailand, Siamese Fighting Fish
    H, 3, Denmark, Red Squirrel
    I, 7,Sierra Leone, Chimpanzee
    J, 9, Afghanistan, Snow Leopard

  2. Anne

    1: North American Beaver – Canada 1E
    2: Okapi -Democratic Republic of the Congo 2A
    3: Red Squirrel -Denmark 3H
    4: Gyrfalcon – Iceland 4F
    5: Ring-tailed Lemur – Madagascar 5B
    6: Axoloti – Mexico 6D
    7: Western Chimpanzee – Sierra Leone 7I
    8: Siamese Fighting Fish – Thailand 8G
    9: Snow Leopard -Afghanistan 9J
    10: Emu – Australia 10C
    I had to dust off my atlas for this one!

  3. Alittlebitoutoffocus – North Wales – Mike is now based in the village of Ynys, near Harlech in North Wales, where he lives with his wonderful wife, Judith. He retired on 1st May 2015 and has been filling this site with a mainly pictorial summary of his life during retirement. He hopes he and you enjoy his retirement ! :-)

    My best guesses are:
    1. Beaver – E Canada
    2. Okapi – A Democratic Republic of Congo
    3. Red Squirrel – H Denmark
    4. Hawk? – F Iceland
    5. Ring-Tailed Lemur – B Madagascar
    6. Axolotl – D Mexico
    7. Chimpanzee – I Sierra Leone
    8. Fin Fish 😉 – G Thailand
    9. Snow Leopard – J Afghanistan
    10. Cassowary – C Australia

  4. Susan

    1. North American Beaver, Canada (E)
    2. Okapi, Democratic Republic of the Congo (A)
    3. Red Squirrel, Denmark (H)
    4. Gyrfalcon, Iceland (F)
    5. Ring-tailed Lemur, Madagascar (B)
    6. Axolotl, Mexico (D)
    7. Western Chimpanzee, Sierra Leone (I)
    8. Siamese Fighting Fish, Thailand (G)
    9. Snow Leopard, Afghanistan (J)
    10. Emu, Australia (C)

    This Canadian did not know that there are two species of beaver…I do now!


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